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Spreading Fires: The Missionary Nature of Early Pentecostalism

Ein neues Buch von Allan Anderson analysiert den Kontext, die Geschichte, Theologie und Praxis der frühen pfingstlichen Mission in den ersten beiden Jahrzehnten des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.

Aus dem Umschlagtext

The book is based largely on primary sources, exploring the social and historical context in which Pentecostalism arose, the revival, holiness and healing movements associated with it in the late nineteenth century, and the influence of colonialism on Pentecostal missions. It traces the stories of Pentecostal missionaries and 'native workers' in Africa, China, India and other parts of Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

The first part of the book is concerned with the historical, theological and social contexts at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is followed by a historical part, detailing the spread of Pentecostal missions in four continents until the proliferation of Pentecostal denominations after the First World War. The third part of the book is analytical, theological and missiological, dealing more comprehensively with Pentecostal mission theories and practices during this period and the theological and contextual bases under which this mission was carried out, including the emphasis on evangelism, premilleniarism, and issues of religion, race, gender and culture.


Anderson, Allan: Spreading Fires. The Missionary Nature of Early Pentecostalism. London: SCM Press & Maryknoll; New York: Orbis Books, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-334-04032-3 (weitere Informationen)

Zuletzt verändert: 01.05.2007 19:29