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PentecoStudies 15.2 (autumn 2016)

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Special Issue: Gender and Pentecostalism


Editorial PDF
Allan Anderson 115–115

Guest Editorial

Gender and Agency in Spirit-Filled Christianity PDF
Anna Stewart , Helen Mo , Saliha Chattoo 116–128


Making a Pentecostal Man: Machismo and the Moral Discourse of Prosperity Gospel in Honduras PDF
Seung Jin Son 129–149
Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Malawian Neocharismatic Churches PDF
Felix Chimera Nyika 150–171
Gender History in Newfoundland Pentecostalism: Alice Belle Garrigus and Beyond PDF
Linda M. Ambrose 172–199
“For Such a Time as This”: Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal Churches PDF
Åse-Miriam Smidsrød 200–220


Gender, Pentecostalism and Agency: A Timely Trinity XML
Simon Coleman 221–225


ALVARSSON, Jan-Åke, Om Pingströrelsen … Essäer, översikter och analyser. Studia Penticostalia Upsaliensis 1. Skellefteå: Artos, 2014. 448pp. ISBN 9789175807202. SEK225 PDF
David Bundy 226–228
INGALLS, Monique & YONG, Amos (eds.), The Spirit of Praise: Music and Worship in Global Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015. 312pp. Hbk. ISBN: 978-0-271-06662-2. $79.95. PDF
Pauline Muir 229–231
LINDHARDT, Margin (ed.), Pentecostalism in Africa: Presence and Impact of Pneumatic Christianity in Postcolonial Societies. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies; no 15. Leiden: Brill, 2015. 390p. ISBN: 9789004281868 (Pbk.); 9789004281875 (Ebook). 65 PDF
Naomi Haynes 232–234
THURFJELL, David, Faith and revivalism in a Nordic Romani community. Pentecostalism amongst the Kaale Roma of Sweden and Finland. London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013. 216 pp., Hbk. ISBN 978 1 84885928 9. £58.00. PDF
Raluca Bianca Roman 235–237
ZELIANG, Elungkiebe, Charismatic Movements in the Baptist Churches in North East India: A Zeliangrong Perspective. Delhi: ISPCK, 2014. xli+417p. Pbk. ISBN: 978-81-8465-388-5. £6. PDF
Vibha Joshi 238–240


last modified 2019-06-24 14:24