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Modified items

All recently modified items, latest first.
Indexes to Pentecostal/Charismatic scholarly papers & periodicals by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
The Hollenweger Center by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
The Swedish Pentecostal Research and Information Center - PRI by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
Journal of Pentecostal Theology by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
Revival Library by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:01
Society of Pentecostal Studies by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:00
Research Project: Feuding Brothers: US Fundamentalist-Pentecostal Relations, 1900-1943 by gwking, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:50
Bibliographical Excerpt: The Church Militant by grsmith, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:48
Research Project: Youth in the German Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement by CHB, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:41
Research Project: Aladura Christianity by akinolaniyi, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:39
Registration Form Workshop Macchia/Yong by jhaustein, last updated: 2006-05-23 01:24
Fundamentalist/Pentecostal Relations: References by gwking, last updated: 2006-05-04 13:01
Bibliography of Early Pentecostalism by allandy, last updated: 2006-04-13 11:05
Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in Tanzania by kaue, last updated: 2006-01-16 15:52
Online Papers by Allan Anderson by allandy, last updated: 2005-12-19 18:57
Bibliography for Global Pentecostalism maintained by Allan Anderson by allandy, last updated: 2005-12-19 17:56
Birmingham Booking Form by webmaster, last updated: 2005-12-17 12:05