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European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism
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Issues Published by Equinox (2010–)
2021 (Vol. 20)
Latest Issue: PentecoStudies 20.2 (Autumn 2021) – Special issue: Pentecostalism and Lived Religion
PentecoStudies 20.1 (Spring 2021)
2020 (Vol. 19)
PentecoStudies 19.2 (Autumn 2020) – Special issue: Global Catholicism and the Catholic Charismatic Movement
PentecoStudies 19.1 (Spring 2020)
2019 (Vol. 18)
PentecoStudies 18.2 (Autumn 2019)
PentecoStudies 18.1 (Spring 2019)
2018 (Vol. 17)
PentecoStudies 17.1 (Spring 2018)
2017 (Vol. 16)
PentecoStudies 16.1 (spring 2017)
PentecoStudies 16.2 (autumn 2017)
2016 (Vol. 15)
PentecoStudies 15.1 (spring 2016)
PentecoStudies 15.2 (autumn 2016)
2015 (Vol. 14)
PentecoStudies 14.1 (spring 2015)
PentecoStudies 14.2 (autumn 2015)
2014 (Vol. 13)
PentecoStudies 13.1 (spring 2014)
PentecoStudies 13.2 (autumn 2014)
2013 (Vol. 12)
No. 1 (Spring)
No 2 (Autumn)
2012 (Vol. 11)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
2011 (Vol. 10)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
2010 (Vol. 9)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
Online Back Issues (2002–2009)
2009 (Vol. 8)
No. 1 (Spring)
Miguel Ángel Mansilla, De la caja del diablo a la caja de Dios
Stephen Hunt, The Florida ‘Outpouring’ Revival
Book Reviews
2008 (Vol. 7)
No. 1 (Spring)
Stephen Hunt: Were the Jesus People Pentecostals?
Cornelis van der Kooi: The Wonders of God
Sebastian Schüler: Unmapped Territories
No. 2 (Autumn)
Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.: "On Becoming a Christian"
Richard Burgess: Nigerian Pentecostal Theology in Global Perspective
Gerald W. King: Streams of Convergence
Book Reviews
2007 (Vol. 6)
No. 2 (Autumn)
William W. Menzies – The Reformed Roots of Pentecostalism
W. van Vlastuin – Does Pentecostalism Have Reformed Roots? An analysis of the argument of W.W. Menzies
Robert P. Menzies – Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. A Pentecostal Perspective
Arie W. Zwiep – Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. An Evangelical Perspective
Frank La Barbe – Un ethnologue au cours Alpha
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti - The Church as the Fellowship of Persons: An Emerging Pentecostal Ecclesiology of Koinonia
Yong, Amos - Poured Out on All Flesh: The Spirit, World Pentecostalism, and the Renewal of Theology and Praxis in the 21st Century
Horton-Parker, Skip - Tracking the Theological “Turn”: The Pneumatological Imagination and the Renewal of Metaphysics and Theology in the 21st Century
2006 (Vol. 5)
Coleman, Simon - Studying 'Global' Pentecostalism: Tensions, Representations and Opportunites
David Martin - Undermining the Old Paradigms: Rescripting Pentecostal Accounts
2005 (Vol. 4)
Hunt, Stephen - The Alpha Course and its Critics: An Overview of the Debates
Miguez, Daniel - Opio Rebelde: Los Programas Pentecostales de Rehabilitación de Adictos en la Argentina
Gooren, Henri - Catholic and Protestant Culture Politics in Nicaragua: A Media-Based Inventory
Bibliography Walter J. Hollenweger
Book Review: Verna Linzey, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
2004 (Vol. 3)
Anderson, Allan - Pentecostal-Charismatic Spirituality and Theological Education in Europe from a Global Perspective
Cortèn, André - Le nouveau religion pentecôtiste: Eléments d'explication politico-theologique
2003 (Vol. 2)
Plüss, Jean-Daniel - Religious Experience in Worship: A Pentecostal Perspective
2002 (Vol. 1)
Hunt, Stephen - Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: The Case of 'Classical' Pentecostalism
Hunt, Stephen - Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: Neo-Pentecostalism
Global Pentecostalism
Latin America
North America
Oceania and Australia
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15th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism in Peace and Conflict (Call for Papers)
14th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism and Gender
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Indexes to Pentecostal/Charismatic scholarly papers & periodicals
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
A collection of Indexes to PNEUMA, JPT, JEPTA and more
Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
The Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International is networking scholars on Pentecostalism worldwide.
Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
The Hollenweger Center
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
The Hollenweger Center was officially instituted in 2003 as an interfacultary and interdisciplinary research center for the study of global Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. As a platform for the academic study of Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity, the Hollenweger Center’s main aim is to stimulate research in Pentecostal studies, in particular PhD research.
The Swedish Pentecostal Research and Information Center - PRI
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
The center is building up an information- and database about the Swedish Pentecostal Movement. It is a central collection of source documents in the Swedish Pentecostal movement, including the archives and library of Lewi Pethrus.
Journal of Pentecostal Theology
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:06
Revival Library
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:01
Valuable source material to the study of Pentecostalism are available here: histories, biographies and other inspirational materials. More than a third of the material can be accessed freely on the site, others are available via CD-ROM, such as "The Apostolic Faith" or "The Elim Evangel".
Society of Pentecostal Studies
by webmaster, last updated: 2006-06-27 01:00
Homepage of the Society of Pentecostal Studies (USA). Contains an index to PNEUMA and many links to valueable resources.
Research Project: Feuding Brothers: US Fundamentalist-Pentecostal Relations, 1900-1943
by gwking, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:50
This research project describes how Fundamentalism influenced forms of Pentecostal thought and structure in the first half of the 20th century up to the formation of the NAE.
Bibliographical Excerpt: The Church Militant
by grsmith, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:48
This is a concise database of the works that I use in my research on charismatic renewal and its significance in the Anglican Communion.
Research Project: Youth in the German Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement
by CHB, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:41
Research Project: Aladura Christianity
by akinolaniyi, last updated: 2006-06-27 00:39
The Meaning of Religious Conversion in the Christ Apostolic Church of Nigeria: Towards the Incarnation of Christianity in Yorubaland
Registration Form Workshop Macchia/Yong
by jhaustein, last updated: 2006-05-23 01:24
Registration form for the Heidelberg workshop with Frank Macchia and Amos Yong
Fundamentalist/Pentecostal Relations: References
by gwking, last updated: 2006-05-04 13:01
Bibliography covers related materials to US church history, Fundamentalism, Pentecostalism and Church/sect development.
Bibliography of Early Pentecostalism
by allandy, last updated: 2006-04-13 11:05
This is an incomplete, working bibliography for Allan Anderson's current book research for SPREADING FIRES: THE MISSIONARY NATURE OF EARLY PENTECOSTALISM (London: SCM Press, 2007)
Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in Tanzania
by kaue, last updated: 2006-01-16 15:52
Online Papers by Allan Anderson
by allandy, last updated: 2005-12-19 18:57
A number of recent and not-so-recent papers available on various subjects.
Bibliography for Global Pentecostalism maintained by Allan Anderson
by allandy, last updated: 2005-12-19 17:56
This site contains extensive bibliographies of articles and books from Pentecostal Studies journals and other sources, with particular reference to the history and theology of Pentecostalism.
Birmingham Booking Form
by webmaster, last updated: 2005-12-17 12:05
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