Steering Group
GloPent is organised by a steering group, currently consisting of seven established academics at five major European universities, all of whom have a dedicated research and teaching focus on Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.

Prof Dr Jan-Åke Alvarsson is Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Uppsala University, Sweden. He has specialized in the Anthropology of Religion and has published extensively on Amerindian religion and Pentecostalism. He has served as Director of the Institute for Pentecostal Studies - Uppsala since 2007. His regional interests include Pentecostalism in the Nordic countries, the United States and Latin America. He is a member of the editorial board of PentecoStudies.

Prof Dr Michael Bergunder is professor of religious studies and intercultural theology at Heidelberg University. He has researched and published on the worldwide Pentecostal and Charismatic movements with a special focus on South Asia. He is a co-founder of GloPent and member of the editorial board of PentecoStudies.

Dr Jörg Haustein is Lecturer in World Christianities at the University of Cambridge. He has researched and published extensively on Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in Ethiopia, and retains a permanent teaching and research focus on global Pentecostalism. He currently serves as editor of PentecoStudies and as administrator of the Glopent website. He is Associate Editor of the forthcoming Brill's Encyclopaedia on Global Pentecostalism.

Prof Dr Andreas Heuser, Professor for Extra-European Christianity (focus Africa) at the Faculty of Theology at Basel University, is a theologian and political scientist. He is engaged in multi-sited research on African Instituted Churches (AIC) and the Pentecostal movement in sub-Saharan Africa as well as on migrant Christianity in Germany and Switzerland.

Dr Miranda Klaver is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Theology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam where she coordinates the MA program Religion and Media and represents the Hollenweger Center. Trained as a cultural anthropologist and theologian she researched and published on Evangelical and Pentecostal movements in the Netherlands. Her current research focuses on the impact of new media in the expansion of the transnational Pentecostal Hillsong megachurch network in the global cities of Amsterdam and New York City. She serves on the editorial board of PentecoStudies, of the Dutch journal for Evangelical Theology Soteria, and the editorial board of the Dutch journal for Charismatic Theology GeestKracht.

Dr Wolfgang Vondey is Professor of Christian Theology and Pentecostal Studies at the University of Birmingham. He has researched and published on the worldwide Pentecostal and Charismatic movements with focus on Pentecostal theology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, and ecumenical thought. He is director of the Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies at the University of Birmingham, editor of the Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, and member of the editorial board of PentecoStudies.