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No. 1 (Spring)

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Editorial: Illustrating Interdisciplinarity PDF
Mark Cartledge 5-7


Missing Links: Phoebe Palmer, Carrie Judd Montgomery, and Holiness Roots within Pentecostalism PDF
Jennifer A. Miskov 8-28
The Jesus People Movement and The Charismatic Movement: A Case for Inclusion PDF
Richard Bustraan 29-49
Modernity and the Arrival of Pentecostalism in Britain PDF
William K. Kay 50-71
The Francis-Littler Charismatic Orientation Scale: A Study in Personality Theory among Anglican Clergymen PDF
Leslie J. Francis, Keith Littler 72-86
Spirit, Speech and Language: Elements of a Philosophical Pneumatology PDF
Chris Emerick 87-102
Pentecostal Mission through Contextualization PDF
Andy Lord 103-117


WÄHRISCH-OBLAU, Claudia, The Missionary Self-Perception of Pentecostal/ Charismatic Church Leaders from the Global South: Bringing Back the Gospel. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2009. x+428pp.Hbk. ISBN-10: 9004175083. €146/US$216. PDF
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu 118-119
KIM, Kirsteen, Joining in with the Spirit. Connecting World Church and Local Mission. London: Epworth, 2009. xi + pp. 319. Pbk. ISBN: 978-0-7162-06583. £23.75. PDF
Richard Burgess 120-122
UGBA, Abel, Shades of Belonging: African Pentecostals in Twenty-First Century Ireland. Trenton, NJ: African World Press & Eritrea: Asmara, 2009, 284 pp. Pbk. ISBN 1-59221-659-5. US$ 29.95. PDF
Stephen J. Hunt 123-125
ADOGAME, Afe; GERLOFF, Roswith; HOCK, Klaus (eds), Christianity in Africa and the African Diaspora: The Appropriation of a Scattered Heritage. London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008. 354pp. Hbk. ISBN: 9781847063175. £75. Pbk, ISBN: 9781441 PDF
Anna D. Quaas 126-128
RANGER, Terence O. (ed.), Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, xxx+267 pp. Pbk. ISBN: 978-0-195- 30802-0. £19.99. PDF
Dr Kevin Ward 129-131
Alvara do López, Gilberto, El poder desde el Espíritu: La visión política del Pentecostalismo en el México contemporáneo. Buenos Aires: Libros de la Araucaria, 2006, 207 pp. ISBN 987-1300-02-6; 978-987-1300-02-0. €14.00. PDF
Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer 132-133
last modified 2013-01-15 10:40