No. 1 (Spring)
Up one levelStephen Hunt: Were the Jesus People Pentecostals?
This paper considers the nature of the short-lived Jesus People movement and its historical contribution to Christian revivalism by over-viewing the rather fragmented documentation provided by extant surveys, along with further contextual information and evidence provided by more recent sources.
Cornelis van der Kooi: The Wonders of God
A response to Robert Menzies article “Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. A Pentecostal Perspective” (PentecoStudies 2007/2).
Sebastian Schüler: Unmapped Territories
Transnationalism is located in the Pentecostal imaginary, rather than in de facto processes of migration. The purpose of this article is to re-conceptualize the formation of transnational religious networks and the concept of the third space by introducing the notion of the ‘imagined migrant’. Through this, the emergence of transnational religious networks such as prayer chains can be described as grounded in everyday religious practice and discourse.