Peter G.A. Versteeg
Up one levelLocation: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Institution: VISOR, VU University Amsterdam
From 2004 until the beginning of 2007 I have been running the daily affairs of the Hollenweger Center for Pentecostal Studies, an interfacultairy institute of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and one of the participating research institutes in GloPent. In 2001 I defended my PhD thesis on the meaning of religious experience in a Dutch Vineyard church. Between 2001 and 2007 I have been involved in the research programme Between Secularisation and Religionisation, doing research on Christian spiritual centers and Protestant ritual practices in the Netherlands. My research interest in Pentecostalism is focused on Pentecostal liturgy and religious experience.
In 2006 Ruy Blanes and I took the initiative of writing a research proposal for the NORFACE program "Re-emergence of Religion as a Social Force in Europe". The research ("Recognizing Christianity") was granted funding and in September 2007 the Dutch project started at Centre IIMO, Utrecht University.
Since December 2007 I work as project coordinator of VISOR, the VU University Institute for the Study of Religion Culture and Society. As a researcher I am interested in religion and spirituality in a transnational context, with a particular emphasis on the role of fiction and non-fiction as a transnational space of identity and belonging. My regional focus is on Europe (Netherlands, Poland, Russia).
Recent international publications:
P.G.A. Versteeg (2011). The Ethnography of a Dutch Pentecostal Church: Vineyard Utrecht and the International Charismatic Movement. Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Sabine Henrichsen-Schrembs & P.G.A. Versteeg (2011). "A Typology of Yoga Practitioners: Towards a Model of Involvement in Alternative Spirituality". Practical Matters issue 4.
P.G.A. Versteeg (2008b). "L'évolution liturgique comme réponse à la sécularisation: le cas de deux Églises protestantes aux Pays-Bas". Social Compass, Vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 42-53.