Cecilia Rubiolo
Up one levelLocation: Torino, Italy
Institution: Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, Università di Torino
Contact: E-Mail
Ph.D. Candidate.
Research Title: Migration, embodied suffering and healing. Ethnographic inquiries amongg Romanian and Romanian Roma pentecostal communities in Torino.
Description: Ethnographic inquiries have shown that after the collapse of totalitarianism in Romania (Tichindeleanu, 2009), getting by in the newly edified social and cultural space of post-communism, underpinned by the “permanent transition” model Sirbu and Polgar, 2009), has had profound consequences on the subjective experiences of people, especially on the most vulnerable and exposed social groups. Haunted by different forms of social and personal disruption during over than twenty years of crafting of neoliberalism (Ban, 2011), while collective agency and resistance has been quickly evaporating (Kideckel, 2008), people could chose migration and spirituality as narrow tactics of survival and creativity. My ethnographic investigation, resulting from over a year of multi-sited fieldwork between Turin (Italy) and the villages of Vicovu de Sus, Ticvaniu-Mare, Oravița (Romania) focuses on the biographies of Pentecostal converts among Romanian and Romanian Roma migrants in Turin. Attempting to link the theoretical frameworks presented by the critical works on the global spread of Pentecostalism, and also its political implications (Robbins, 2004; Marhsall, 2009; Foszto, 2009; Csordas, 2011; etc.) with the tools offered by medical anthropology and ethnopsychiatry of migration, especially through the studies of faith and ritual healing (De Martino, 2001; Beneduce. 2005; Good, 1994; etc), I aim to examine the way in which the Pentecostal system of belief enables the emergence of individual and collective politics of healing.