Elisabeth Mareels
Up one levelLocation: Brussels/Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Institution: Université Catholique de Louvain
Elisabeth is doing a PhD in anthropology at Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Prospective (Laap) – Université Catholique de Louvain – Belgium (Aspirante FNRS).
Following on research about the Catholic Brazilian Pastoral in Brussels and a master’s thesis about the Brazilian worshippers at the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Brussels, her current investigation aims to elaborate a multifaceted insight of Brazilian Pentecostalism in Belgium. Therefore she articulates the proceedings of various actors (and institutions), that co-construct the Brazilian Pentecostal landscape in Belgium: on the one hand, Pentecostal practising and non-practising migrants, and on the other hand, missionary pastors and migrants “who invent themselves as a pastor” in Belgium, as well as religious denominations that establish well organized missionary work.