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Kim Knibbe

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Location: Groningen, the Netherlands

Institution: University of Groningen

Contact: Homepage E-Mail

Currently I am based at the department for the Comparative Study of Religion where I coordinate the Master trajectory on Religion, Conflict and Globalization. My current research interests are the intersections of religious forms of globalization with other social processes and imaginaries. Specifically, I am interested in the role of religion in narratives of modernity, and the impacts this has on both personal and societal levels.  At the moment I am developing research on formations of religion and secularity in understandings of sexuality in post-colonial Europe.


previous research:
2007-2010: coordinator and researcher of a NORFACE funded project tracing Nigerian pentecostal churches and believers in Europe and how they contribute to the re-emergence of religion in the public sphere ( This research started with fieldwork in Nigeria, and included fieldwork in Germany, the Netherlands and England.

2001- 2007 (PhD research)
religious change in the Netherlands, based on fieldwork in the Catholic South. This was part of the research project 'between secularization and sacralization' led by prof. dr. André Droogers at the VU university of Amsterdam.

2004: religious change among the Kalinga and Catalangan in the foothills of the Sierra Madre, Philippines (CML/ CVPED)

Areas of expertise:

Transnational religious networks
religion in the public sphere
Spiritualism and New Age
gender and sexuality
Secularization/sacralization theories/ religious change in Europe
(healing) rituals
theories of embodiment
phenomenology in anthropology
Netherlands, Philippines and Nigeria.

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