Maren Freudenberg
Up one levelLocation: Bochum, Germany
Institution: Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
I am an associate researcher at Ruhr-Uni's Center for Religious Studies and an associate editor with the Entangled Religions, Journal for Religious Contact and Transfer. My postdoctoral project investigates the growth of charismatic American religions in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, including not only neo-charismatic churches such as the Vineyard and non-denominational churches such as Willow Creek, but also Pentecostal denominations, first and foremost Assemblies of God. I am interested in why Pentecostal and charismatic religions attract a broad range of people in German-speaking countries, while "established" churches are losing members massively. While research on Pentecostalism tends to focus on the so-called Global South, I am interested in specifically American Pentecostal and charismatic movements and their organizational networks and proselytization strategies in Western Europe.