Richard Hugh Burgess
Up one levelLocation: Roehampton, London
Institution: University of Roehampton
Currently I am senior lecturer in theology at the University of Roehampton, where I am the programme convenor of the MA in Theology and Religious Studies. My current research focuses on forms of Christianity in Africa and the African diaspora in Europe; and the interface between religion, migration, and public life.
Previous research
2012-2013 Researcher on the Religious Freedom Project (funded by John Templeton Foundation), exploring Christian responses to ethno-religious violence in Nigeria.
2010-2012 Principal investigator on a research project exploring Pentecostal civic engagement and inter-religious relations in Nigeria and Zambia (funded by The Templeton Foundation and the Center for Religion and Civic Culture,University of Southern California. See
2007-2010 Researcher on a NORFACE-funded research project on transnational Nigerian Pentecostal churches in Europe (
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Bibliography | |
Bibliography on Nigerian Pentecostalism | 2006-07-13 |
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Research Project: The Civil War Revival and its Pentecostal Progeny | 2006-07-13 |
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rhburge | 2006-07-12 |