Research Project: Conflicts Involving Pentecostal Churches and Movements
The project investigates 3-6 local Danish Pentecostal churches and movements as organizational cultures in order to understand from the inside, why some of them develop problematic relations to their surroundings and some not.
The background for this project is recent Danish examples on conflicts involving Pentecostal churches and movements. Formally the investigated congregations have a lot in common, and even so they develop highly different relations to their surroundings. My research aims to identify and describe internal hermeneutical processes around key symbols, which the churches probably have in common but interpret differently, leading to different praxis and attitudes to their surroundings and to society in general.
Three themes are of particular interest:
- Leaders as symbols and symbol managers.
- The construction of knowledge/reality and assessment of truth.
- Understandings on mission, motives and communicative praxis.
The theoretical framework for the project is symbolic interpretative anthropology/ethnography (C. Geertz) applied to cultural studies in organizations.