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jhaustein by Jörg Haustein — last modified 2005-12-04 05:04
zoperoot by zoperoot — last modified 2006-06-26 12:22
CHB by CHB — last modified 2018-02-01 10:47
THE MISSION OF THE ELIM CHURCH OF PENTECOST IN THE UK. by Lord Elorm Donkor — last modified 2008-12-09 14:30
African Pentecostal Christianity is one of the expressions within which the resurgence of religion is taking place in Europe. Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches, which are influenced by African culture started emerging in the U.K. in the 1960s and gained prominence from the 1990s. Today, they can be found in most cities and big towns of the U.K. The presence of these churches among African migrant communities in Europe is often explained as the migrants’ way of constructing identity, which enables them to cope with racism, alienation, marginalization and so on. The Elim Church of Pentecost is one of these churches, which is growing remarkably in the U.K. This study explores the reason for and the nature of the mission of this church in the U.K. The study shows how the enchantment for life in the traditional Akan culture and its quest for socio-psychological and spiritual power influenced and still influences the decisions of the Ghanaian Pentecostals to have a culturally relevant church in the U.K. It argues that an adequate understanding of the cosmology of the traditional culture of African Pentecostals is necessary for the explanation of their desire for spirit-filled and communal oriented churches in the Diaspora.
Michael Wilkinson, PhD - Professor of Sociology by Michael Wilkinson — last modified 2015-05-08 08:03
nkurzewitz by Nora Kurzewitz — last modified 2016-06-21 21:23
conference by Conference participant — last modified 2007-04-24 01:11
eady28 by eady28 — last modified 2020-05-19 21:53
frdona by Donatus Ukpong — last modified 2006-11-20 13:14
Lauramhall by Laura Hall — last modified 2023-01-16 16:49
andredroogers by André Droogers — last modified 2006-02-02 15:24
PeterV by webmaster — last modified 2006-05-16 11:16
jbachmann by Judith Bachmann — last modified 2014-10-09 12:12
wlukose by Wessly Lukose — last modified 2010-07-07 20:10
Book on migrant Pentecostals in Europe now out in paperback and more affordable! by Claudia Waehrisch-Oblau — last modified 2012-02-16 09:43
Claudia Währisch-Oblau's study, The Missionary Self-Perception of Pentecostal/Charismatic Church Leaders from the Global South in Europe: Bringing Back the Gospel has just come out from Brill (Leiden) in a paperback edition priced at Euro 35.
hschaefer by Heinrich Schäfer — last modified 2006-07-19 21:31
Bergunder by Michael Bergunder — last modified 2007-01-02 23:01
smit by smit — last modified 2020-05-20 00:08
kaue by Katharina Davis — last modified 2006-01-12 12:52
webmaster by webmaster — last modified 2017-06-06 19:26
Reflections on Writing My PhD Dissertation by Pastor M.A. Olaniyi — last modified 2006-06-27 00:40
Allan S McKinnon by Allan McKinnon — last modified 2016-02-22 00:39
Studies in Pentecostalism & Charismatic Christianity among the Brethren (Kanisa la Biblia) in Tanzania
allandy by Allan Heaton Anderson — last modified 2005-12-19 17:58
SCTorr by Stephen Torr — last modified 2006-11-08 13:43
sergedewel by Serge Dewel — last modified 2014-08-24 16:33
mklaver by Miranda Klaver — last modified 2008-07-31 16:05
Pfister by Raymond PFISTER — last modified 2007-01-06 19:11
timwelch by Tim Welch — last modified 2006-06-27 00:36
rhburge by Richard Hugh Burgess — last modified 2006-07-12 22:17
Martijndekoning by Martijndekoning — last modified 2022-08-24 10:13
Luciano Modes by Luciano Modes — last modified 2006-09-06 15:37
shuber by shuber — last modified 2022-08-24 10:11
cvdlaan by Cornelis van der Laan — last modified 2006-02-28 10:08
msepo by msepo — last modified 2014-04-22 12:13
dwalk by Daniel Walker — last modified 2006-05-02 18:21
mvdmeulen by mvdmeulen — last modified 2019-05-24 12:23
MartinS by Martin Šimon — last modified 2011-07-11 09:41
heikemunz by Heike Munz — last modified 2007-09-11 10:59
RevDr_Ciprian_Gheorghe-Luca by Ciprian Gheorghe-Luca — last modified 2024-08-17 13:57
mptettey by Michael Perry Nii Osah Tettey — last modified 2019-10-07 16:34
ysuarsana by Yan Suarsana — last modified 2006-07-06 15:33
gwking by Gerald W King — last modified 2006-04-07 12:00
grsmith by Graham R Smith — last modified 2006-04-15 01:50
Linda van de Kamp by Linda van de Kamp — last modified 2015-02-16 15:46
Linda van de Kamp is a cultural anthropologist. Her research and teaching interests include the interplay between social transformations, local-global connections and cultural diversity in cities, and she currently focuses on how various cultural agents compete for and relate to space in urban renewal areas. From 2005 to 2010 Linda studied the growth of transnational religious movements in a city in transition, looking at the case of Brazilian Pentecostalism in Mozambique. From 2012-2014 her research engaged with the transnational circulation of (Afro-)Brazilian religious rituals and materials between Europe, Africa and Brazil. Linda’s work has been published and exhibited nationally and internationally. She was recently awarded a Veni grant (2015-2019) by the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of the Netherlands’ Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO) for a project on ‘Yoga, Bingo and Prayer in Urban Renewal Areas’. Through anthropological field research in the north of Amsterdam, the project investigates how interaction between various groups of people influences urban renewal. She will analyze the dynamics between old and new inhabitants, entrepreneurs, artists, well fare workers, religious groups, housing corporations and authorities in dealing industrial heritage, collective rituals, and media and communication technology. Linda has also been on radio shows and newspaper stories have covered her work. Linda grew up in Brazil, returned to Brazil during her master studies, and conducted two years of fieldwork in Mozambique. As a result, she speaks fluent Portuguese (besides English and Dutch).
mradji by Mustapha Radji — last modified 2010-10-25 23:42
wilmagwd by Wilma Wells Davies — last modified 2006-01-19 20:29
Frei by Daniel Frei — last modified 2006-05-31 01:29
jimrossi by jimrossi — last modified 2019-09-26 09:47
fdonosomaluf by Francisco Donoso-Maluf — last modified 2016-07-12 13:18
sbrenner by Sven Brenner — last modified 2009-02-27 12:00
andylord by Andy Lord — last modified 2006-07-03 20:52
mjcartledge by Mark J. Cartledge — last modified 2006-07-04 10:27