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Heinrich Schäfer

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Location: Bielefeld, Germany

Institution: University of Bielefeld

Contact: Homepage E-Mail

Professor for Protestant Theology (Systematics and Church History) and Sociology of Religion at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. During the 1980ies two years of field studies on pentecostalism in Central American conflict zones. From 1992 to 1994 assistant professor for ecumenical theology at the University of Bochum, Germany. From 1995 to 2003 professor for Systematic Theology and Sociology at the Latin American Biblical University and the National University, Costa Rica. At Biblical University many Pentecostal students. From there, also teaching in some nine different Latin American countries, cooperation with the World Council of Churches in Geneva and with the Conferencia Evangelica Pentecostal Latinoamericana (CEPLA). During this time, testing of the earlier research results with members of the Pentecostal Movement.  From 2003 to 2006 assistant professor for Religious Studies at the Unviersity of Hannover.

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Habitus-Analysis: a method to analyze cognitive operators of practical logic. 2009-12-21
Fundamentalismos, modernidades y tensiones políticas globales. Sobre la religión políticamente movilizada. (Fundamentalisms, modernities and global political tensions) 2009-12-21
Explaining Central American Pentecostalism within social inequality and conflict. On habitus-analysis as a clue to describe religious praxis. 2009-12-21
...und erlöse uns von dem Bösen.Zur politischen Funktion des Fundamentalismus in Mittelamerika. (... deliver us from evil. On the political function of fundamentalism in Central America.) 2009-12-10
Geistlicher Zermürbungskampf. Protestanten im Bürgerkrieg Mittelamerikas. (Spiritual war of attrition. Protestants in Central American civil war.) 2009-12-10
hschaefer 2006-07-19
All content created by Heinrich Schäfer…