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Crisis social y protestantismo en Centroamerica.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-10-25 15:27
The article describes in macro-sociological terms the conditions of protestant (and pentecostal) growth in Central America during the twentieth century.
"Líbranos del mal." Estructuras simbólicas y funciones políticas del protestantismo en Centroamérica.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-10-25 15:28
The article positions pentecostalism in the context of Central American societies. (1992)
El Espíritu de la creación, la igleisa y la persona. Algunas reflexiones acerca de Romanos 8.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:47
A theological reflection on pneumatology according to Romans 8.
Fundamentalism: power and the absolute.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:48
An article about fundamentalism that examines some pentecostal practices from this angle.
Fundamentalismo entre los pentecostales?
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-10-25 15:27
Is there some fundamentalist practice among pentecostals?
Guerra espiritual de baja intensidad: el abuso del protestantismo por la contrainsurgencia.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-10-25 15:27
An article about political abuse of churches -- pentecostals and others -- in the Central American conflict.
El reino de la libertad: los milenarismos.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:49
Some brief distinctions on different millennialist practices in conflict environment.
Espíritu, poder, testimonio.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:50
Some reflections on mission in the Spirit in honour of two old friends, Gloria and Ross Kinsler: Mission is "ministry by the people".
"Oh senhor de los cielos, dános poder en la tierra!"
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:50
Latin American Protestantism is frequently identified as fundamentalist whereas, however, the definition of what is fundamentalist often lacks clarity. This article proposes a definition of the concept and examines Central American Protestantism on fundamentalist tendencies. Fundamentalism absolutizes one's own religious (and social) position against other's in order to (re-) conquest "fields of affirmative action" in situations of crisis and to execute power. According to the social position of the actors, this strategy results to be a technique of social survival or, on the other hand, of domination. The article considers based on two years field study and abundant empirical data different currents of Central American Protestantism and portraits nuances of what could be called fundamentalism in that specific social context. Facing the new situation of the religious field, the article finally draws some concusions for the theological task on the continent.
El pentecostalismo y el neopentecostalismo en el marco de la globalización y nuestra fe en el Espíritu Santo.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:51
Some reflections on the diferent role of classical and neo-pentecostalism under the circumstances of globalized life in Latina America. Contribution to the international encounter of the Conferencia Evangélica Pentecostal Latinoamericana, Havanna, September 1998 (exactly when the winds of Hurricane "George" where around...).
Luis Orellana: El fuego y la nieve. Historia del movimiento pentecostal en Chile: 1909-1925.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2006-07-26 20:59
A master thesis in theology of a student of mine at the Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana that I am proud to present in this forum. The E-Mail of the author is: "Luis Orellana <ceep@ceep.cl>".
Latin America – dynamics of the religious field.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:05
The Pentecostal movement – social change and religious habitus.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:08
The praxeological square as a method for the intercultural study of religious movements.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:09
Zum Religionsbegriff in der Analyse von Identitätskonflikten: Einige sozialwissenschaftliche und theologische Erwägungen. (On the concept of religion in the analysis of identity conflicts.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:14
Das Ethos religiöser Friedensstifter. (The ethos of religious peace builders.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:16
Fundamentalismen in religiösem und säkularem Gewand. Der Kampf um Deutungshoheit in einer globalen politischen Kultur. (Fundamentalisms in religious and secular garmet. The fight for interpretative dominance in global political culture.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:18
Homogenität - Transformation - Polarisierung. Religiosität in Lateinamerika. (Homogeneity – transformation – polarization. Religiosity in Latin America.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:20
Identität, Sozialität, Kommunikation. Pneumatologisch-ökumenische Reflexionen. (Identity, sociality, communication. Pneumatological and ecumenical reflexions.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:22
Kampf der Fundamentalismen. Radikales Christentum, radikaler Islam und Europas Moderne. (The struggle of fundamentalisms. Radical Christianity, radical Islam and Europe’s modernity.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:20
Modernisierung und Identitätskonstruktion: Zum Protestantismus in Zentralamerika (1980 bis heute). (Modernization and construction of identity: Protestantism in Central America (1980 until today).)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:25
Religion, Politik… und? Zur Verankerung von religiöser Praxis in sinnlich-menschlicher Tätigkeit. (Religion, politics … and? On the roots of religious praxis in “sensuous human activity” [Marx].)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:27
Vielfalt – Exorzismus – Weltende. Die besondere Dynamik der Pfingstbewegung. (Plurality – exorcism – end of the world. Special dynamics of the Pentecostal movement.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 12:28
Religion, gesellschaftliche Konflikte und Theologie. (Religion, Social Conflicts, and Theology.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:08
"We gonna bin laden them!" Überlegungen zu einer methodologisch-kommunitaristischen Friedensethik. („We gonna bin laden them!“ Considerations on a methodologically communitarian ethics of peace.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:09
Die Pfingstbewegung in Lateinamerika…? Zur Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen religiöser Praxis und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen. (The Pentecostal movement in Latin America? On how to study the relation between religious practice and social positon)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:12
Fundamentalismen und Modernen. (Fundamentalisms and modernities.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:14
Mir zu Füßen! oder: Von der zauberhaften Macht des Prophetischen. (To my knees! or: On the witchcraft of the prophetic.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:15
Zum Verhältnis von Religion, sozialer Position und Gewalt. Pfingstler im guatemaltekischen Bürgerkrieg. (On the relation between religion, social position and violence. Pentecostals in the Guatemalan civil war.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:19
Art. Glaube / Vertrauen. C Aus evangelischer Sicht. (Faith / Confidence. The Protestant viewpoint.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:21
Identität als Netzwerk. Ein Theorieentwurf am Beispiel religiöser Bewegungen im Bürgerkrieg Guatemalas. (Identity as a network. A theoretical outline exemplified on religious movements in the Guatemalan civil war.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:23
Network identity and religious harmony: theoretical and methodological reflections.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:24
New wars and identity-politics.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:26
Ökumene als global player. Was bewegt die Welt und was die Ökumene? (Ecumenism as a global player – what moves the world and what moves ecumenics?)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:28
Religious fundamentalism and reflexive modernity.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:30
Globalisierung und topische Ethik. Zur interkulturellen Plausibilisierung universaler Humanität. (Global culture versus multiple modernities. Considerations on the debate about cultural globalization.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:34
Praxis Theologie Religion: Grundlinien einer Theologie und Religionstheorie im Anschluss an Pierre Bourdieu. (Praxis - Theology - Religion. Outlines of a theory on theology and religion following Pierre Bourdieu.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:42
Priests, prophets or sorcerers? On intellectual elites and politics in modernizing Latin America.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:39
The Janus face of religion: on the religious factor in new wars.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-08 17:40
Neue Kriege als Herausforderung an lutherische Ethik. (New wars as a challenge for Lutheran Ethics.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 16:41
On the theory of collective identity and habitus in social movements. An inquiry in theory on the basis of the intercultural investigation of two social movements.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 16:44
Das Unterscheiden macht den Unterschied. Zur Problematik des blinden Flecks bei der Wahrnehmung des Fremden. (Distinction makes the difference. On the problem of the blind spot for the perception of foreign culture.)
Heinrich Schäfer
last modified
2009-12-10 16:46
Entre dos fuegos: una historia socio-política de la Iglesia Presbiteriana en Guatemala. (Between two fires. A socio-political history of the Presbyterian Church in Guatemala.)
Heinrich Schäfer
last modified
2009-12-10 16:48
Vom praktischen Sinn ökumenischer Forschung. Koreferat zum Vortrag von Dietrich Ritschl. (On the practical sense of ecumenical research.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 16:50
Doxa of the market and christianization from below. Observations on the dynamics of christianization and de-christianization in Central America.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:02
Praxis religiosa y contexto social: un método de análisis en Historia oral e investigación cualitativa. (Religious praxis and social context: an analytical method of Oral History.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:04
Un tucán, la globalización y una sociedad sostenible. (A Tucan, globalization and a sustainable society.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:05
¿Existe mi mamá porque yo existo? El ser humano como red de relaciones: una propuesta sociológica más allá del 'sujeto'. (Does my mother exist, because I exist? The human being as a network of relationships. A sociological impulse beyond subjectivity.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:11
Die Unpolitischen von gestern erstreben heute die Macht: Zum religiösen Wiederaufbau der Politik in Nicaragua. (The Non-political of yesterday, today are reaching for power. On the religious reconstruction of politics in Nicaragua.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:20
Fundamentalism: Power and the Absolute.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:21
’Herr des Himmels, gib uns Macht auf der Erde!’ Fundamentalismus und Charismen: Rückeroberung von Lebenswelt in Lateinamerika. (Lord in heaven, give us power on earth! Fundamentalism and charisma: the re-conquest of life-world in Latin America.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:30
Protestantism in Central America. Christian testimony between fundamentalism, repression and revitalization of indigenous culture.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:33
Religiöser Fundamentalismus als Ermächtigungsstrategie. (Religious fundamentalism as a strategy of empowerment.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:35
Antagonismen, Anomie und religiöser Dualismus in Zentralamerika. (Antagonisms, anomy and religious dualism in Central America.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:36
Church Identity Between Repression and Liberation: The Presybterian Church in Guatemala.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:37
Geistlicher Zermürbungskampf. Protestanten im Bürgerkrieg Mittelamerikas. (Spiritual war of attrition. Protestants in Central American civil war.)
Heinrich Schäfer
last modified
2009-12-10 17:38
...und erlöse uns von dem Bösen.Zur politischen Funktion des Fundamentalismus in Mittelamerika. (... deliver us from evil. On the political function of fundamentalism in Central America.)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-10 17:40
Explaining Central American Pentecostalism within social inequality and conflict. On habitus-analysis as a clue to describe religious praxis.
Heinrich Schäfer
last modified
2009-12-21 15:21
Fundamentalismos, modernidades y tensiones políticas globales. Sobre la religión políticamente movilizada. (Fundamentalisms, modernities and global political tensions)
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-21 15:23
Habitus-Analysis: a method to analyze cognitive operators of practical logic.
Heinrich Schäfer
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2009-12-21 15:24