Up one level- "God Found His Moses": A Biographical and Theological Analysis of the life of Joseph Smale (1867-1926) by Tim Welch — last modified 2011-02-09 14:21
- This PhD will be available to read on www.etheses.bham.ac.uk (from Dec 2009)
- smale_flyer by Tim Welch — last modified 2013-06-21 21:25
- Book Announcement: Joseph Smale by Tim Welch — last modified 2013-06-21 21:25
- A new book by Tim Welch on "God's Moses for Pentecostalism"
- Spirit levels in the local church by Tim Welch — last modified 2014-08-05 10:50
- How are we to assess and measure the activity of God the Holy Spirit in a local church? Tim Welch, a British Baptist Church pastor and GloPent member, wants to raise pneumatological awareness and expectation within his church, by developing a tool that will enable pastor and people to consider what the Spirit is doing and saying... not as a formula, but as the welcomed Guest in a collaborative process. Any recommendations and insights concerning pneumatological qualitative research in a church and practical theology context will be welcome!