13th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism and Socio-Cultural Change
What | Conference |
When |
2022-04-01 11:30
to 2022-04-02 16:00 |
Where | Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Contact Name | Dr Jörg Haustein |
Contact Email | jh2227@cam.ac.uk |
Add event to calendar |
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The thirteenth international and interdisciplinary conference of the European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism (GloPent) will be held on 1–2 April 2022 at the University of Cambridge, UK.
Conveners: Jörg Haustein and David Maxwell
Conference Theme
Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity is often seen as a catalyst for social and cultural change. This chimes with how Pentecostals and Charismatics tend to portray their own religion – as transformative, modern, and on the cutting edge of socio-cultural developments. Yet this view tends to de-contextualise Pentecostalism from the wider cultural and social fabric within which these transformations take place. This conference seeks to recover a more inter-connected perspective that not only asks how Pentecostal movements have effected socio-cultural changes, but also to what extent they have rather themselves been influenced and driven by larger transformations in World Christianity and society at large. The goal of the conference is to place Pentecostalism firmly within the recent history and contemporary expression of World Christianity.
The conference features 45 papers in parallel panels and keynotes by:
- Naomi Haynes, University of Edinburgh
- Karen Lauterbach, University of Copenhagen
- David Maxwell, University of Cambridge
The conference is held in a hybrid format with some presenters and participants joining online.
Registration and Conference Fee
Register before 20 March 2022 by using our registration form.
Conference fee, payable by 28 March 2022:
In-person, standard rate: £75
In-person, reduced rate: £45
(available to students / PhD students and subscribers of PentecoStudies) -
Online only: £20
A payment link will be sent after registration has been confirmed.
The conference fee (in-person) includes refreshments (subject to COVID regulations), conference materials, three-course conference dinner on 1 April, and buffet lunch on 2 April.
Travel and Accommodation
Plenaries and parallel panels will be hosted in the Faculty of Divinity, West Rd, Cambridge CB3 9BS.
Guests are invited to book a room at Selwyn College (single, en-suite) for a special conference rate of £62.16 per night (breakfast included).
Book at: https://www.sel.cam.ac.uk/conferences/accommodation-booking, using the promotion code issued with conference registration.