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Die Unpolitischen von gestern erstreben heute die Macht: Zum religiösen Wiederaufbau der Politik in Nicaragua. (The Non-political of yesterday, today are reaching for power. On the religious reconstruction of politics in Nicaragua.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 17:20
¿Existe mi mamá porque yo existo? El ser humano como red de relaciones: una propuesta sociológica más allá del 'sujeto'. (Does my mother exist, because I exist? The human being as a network of relationships. A sociological impulse beyond subjectivity.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 17:11
Un tucán, la globalización y una sociedad sostenible. (A Tucan, globalization and a sustainable society.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 17:05
Praxis religiosa y contexto social: un método de análisis en Historia oral e investigación cualitativa. (Religious praxis and social context: an analytical method of Oral History.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 17:04
Doxa of the market and christianization from below. Observations on the dynamics of christianization and de-christianization in Central America. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 17:02
Vom praktischen Sinn ökumenischer Forschung. Koreferat zum Vortrag von Dietrich Ritschl. (On the practical sense of ecumenical research.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 16:50
Entre dos fuegos: una historia socio-política de la Iglesia Presbiteriana en Guatemala. (Between two fires. A socio-political history of the Presbyterian Church in Guatemala.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 16:48
Das Unterscheiden macht den Unterschied. Zur Problematik des blinden Flecks bei der Wahrnehmung des Fremden. (Distinction makes the difference. On the problem of the blind spot for the perception of foreign culture.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 16:46
On the theory of collective identity and habitus in social movements. An inquiry in theory on the basis of the intercultural investigation of two social movements. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 16:44
Neue Kriege als Herausforderung an lutherische Ethik. (New wars as a challenge for Lutheran Ethics.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-10 16:41
Praxis Theologie Religion: Grundlinien einer Theologie und Religionstheorie im Anschluss an Pierre Bourdieu. (Praxis - Theology - Religion. Outlines of a theory on theology and religion following Pierre Bourdieu.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:42
The Janus face of religion: on the religious factor in new wars. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:40
Priests, prophets or sorcerers? On intellectual elites and politics in modernizing Latin America. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:39
Globalisierung und topische Ethik. Zur interkulturellen Plausibilisierung universaler Humanität. (Global culture versus multiple modernities. Considerations on the debate about cultural globalization.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:34
Religious fundamentalism and reflexive modernity. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:30
Ökumene als global player. Was bewegt die Welt und was die Ökumene? (Ecumenism as a global player – what moves the world and what moves ecumenics?) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:28
New wars and identity-politics. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:26
Network identity and religious harmony: theoretical and methodological reflections. by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:24
Identität als Netzwerk. Ein Theorieentwurf am Beispiel religiöser Bewegungen im Bürgerkrieg Guatemalas. (Identity as a network. A theoretical outline exemplified on religious movements in the Guatemalan civil war.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:23
Art. Glaube / Vertrauen. C Aus evangelischer Sicht. (Faith / Confidence. The Protestant viewpoint.) by hschaefer, last updated: 2009-12-08 17:21