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European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism
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Issues Published by Equinox (2010–)
2021 (Vol. 20)
Latest Issue: PentecoStudies 20.2 (Autumn 2021) – Special issue: Pentecostalism and Lived Religion
PentecoStudies 20.1 (Spring 2021)
2020 (Vol. 19)
PentecoStudies 19.2 (Autumn 2020) – Special issue: Global Catholicism and the Catholic Charismatic Movement
PentecoStudies 19.1 (Spring 2020)
2019 (Vol. 18)
PentecoStudies 18.2 (Autumn 2019)
PentecoStudies 18.1 (Spring 2019)
2018 (Vol. 17)
PentecoStudies 17.1 (Spring 2018)
2017 (Vol. 16)
PentecoStudies 16.1 (spring 2017)
PentecoStudies 16.2 (autumn 2017)
2016 (Vol. 15)
PentecoStudies 15.1 (spring 2016)
PentecoStudies 15.2 (autumn 2016)
2015 (Vol. 14)
PentecoStudies 14.1 (spring 2015)
PentecoStudies 14.2 (autumn 2015)
2014 (Vol. 13)
PentecoStudies 13.1 (spring 2014)
PentecoStudies 13.2 (autumn 2014)
2013 (Vol. 12)
No. 1 (Spring)
No 2 (Autumn)
2012 (Vol. 11)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
2011 (Vol. 10)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
2010 (Vol. 9)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
Online Back Issues (2002–2009)
2009 (Vol. 8)
No. 1 (Spring)
Miguel Ángel Mansilla, De la caja del diablo a la caja de Dios
Stephen Hunt, The Florida ‘Outpouring’ Revival
Book Reviews
2008 (Vol. 7)
No. 1 (Spring)
Stephen Hunt: Were the Jesus People Pentecostals?
Cornelis van der Kooi: The Wonders of God
Sebastian Schüler: Unmapped Territories
No. 2 (Autumn)
Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.: "On Becoming a Christian"
Richard Burgess: Nigerian Pentecostal Theology in Global Perspective
Gerald W. King: Streams of Convergence
Book Reviews
2007 (Vol. 6)
No. 2 (Autumn)
William W. Menzies – The Reformed Roots of Pentecostalism
W. van Vlastuin – Does Pentecostalism Have Reformed Roots? An analysis of the argument of W.W. Menzies
Robert P. Menzies – Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. A Pentecostal Perspective
Arie W. Zwiep – Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. An Evangelical Perspective
Frank La Barbe – Un ethnologue au cours Alpha
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti - The Church as the Fellowship of Persons: An Emerging Pentecostal Ecclesiology of Koinonia
Yong, Amos - Poured Out on All Flesh: The Spirit, World Pentecostalism, and the Renewal of Theology and Praxis in the 21st Century
Horton-Parker, Skip - Tracking the Theological “Turn”: The Pneumatological Imagination and the Renewal of Metaphysics and Theology in the 21st Century
2006 (Vol. 5)
Coleman, Simon - Studying 'Global' Pentecostalism: Tensions, Representations and Opportunites
David Martin - Undermining the Old Paradigms: Rescripting Pentecostal Accounts
2005 (Vol. 4)
Hunt, Stephen - The Alpha Course and its Critics: An Overview of the Debates
Miguez, Daniel - Opio Rebelde: Los Programas Pentecostales de Rehabilitación de Adictos en la Argentina
Gooren, Henri - Catholic and Protestant Culture Politics in Nicaragua: A Media-Based Inventory
Bibliography Walter J. Hollenweger
Book Review: Verna Linzey, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
2004 (Vol. 3)
Anderson, Allan - Pentecostal-Charismatic Spirituality and Theological Education in Europe from a Global Perspective
Cortèn, André - Le nouveau religion pentecôtiste: Eléments d'explication politico-theologique
2003 (Vol. 2)
Plüss, Jean-Daniel - Religious Experience in Worship: A Pentecostal Perspective
2002 (Vol. 1)
Hunt, Stephen - Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: The Case of 'Classical' Pentecostalism
Hunt, Stephen - Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: Neo-Pentecostalism
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Book announcement on Prosperity Gospel
by aheuser, last updated: 2015-09-18 19:29
Andreas Heuser (ed.), Pastures of Plenty: Tracing Religio-Scapes of Prosperity Gospel in Africa and Beyond (Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, Vol 161), Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang, 2015 ISBN-10: 3631661827 ISBN-13: 978-3631661826
What is Pentecostalism? Some Historiographical Considerations
by ysuarsana, last updated: 2015-05-21 22:10
Discussion Paper submitted to the Workshop "Studying Pentecostalism in a Transcultural Perspective" at the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University (3–5 April, 2014).
The Mukti Revival and Pentecostal Historiography
by ysuarsana, last updated: 2015-05-20 10:52
Paper submitted to the GloPent Conference “Pentecostalism and Politics” in Heidelberg (1/2 February, 2013).
Book Announcement: The Holy Spirit in African Christianity
by chigorchike, last updated: 2015-05-13 11:03
New book published by Chigor Chike: The Holy Spirit in African Christianity: An Empirical Study. (Paternoster Biblical & Theological Monographs)
PentecoStudies 13.2 (autumn 2014)
by webmaster, last updated: 2015-04-24 20:52
PentecoStudies 13.1 (spring 2014)
by webmaster, last updated: 2015-04-24 20:51
Research Project: The „Charismatization“ of Christianity in Pakistan and its effects on life realities of Pakistani Christians.
by dhiller, last updated: 2015-04-15 09:40
An overview of goals, methods, research interests, and current state of a doctoral research project of the Center for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies at the Protestant University Wuppertal/Bethel (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Henning Wrogemann.
6th Europan Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2015)
by manufanti, last updated: 2015-01-14 10:10
The panel "Religious Revival, Secularism and Contested Public Spaces in Contemporary Ethiopia" addresses the coexistence and the competition between the Pentecostal movement, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Islam, in negotiating political identities and occupying public spaces within the Ethiopian secular state. (Deadline call for papers: January 15, 2015).
Witchcraft Concepts in West-African Pentecostal Literature
by jbachmann, last updated: 2014-10-09 12:13
This paper examines the concepts of witchcraft in research literature about West-African Pentecostalism as produced by scholars such as Kalu, Meyer and Gifford. It also explores the witchcraft concepts in the literature written by West-African Pentecostals themselves like the well-known “Delivered from the Powers of Darkness” by the Nigerian Emmanuel Eni. The term witchcraft will be analysed with regard to the different contexts used by researchers and Pentecostals. The paper argues that the concepts of witchcraft in West-African Pentecostal discourse are embedded in ideas about Satan, demons and evil powers, notions which are often attached to what is commonly referred to as ‘African traditional religion’. Such connotations have led Pentecostals to give a negative and evil meaning to witchcraft and what they consider traditionally African. The paper puts forth the hypothesis that this usage of the word witchcraft is linked to the European witchcraft discourse in the 19th and 20th century when colonial administrators and missionaries compared Europe’s past with Africa’s present.
8th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism and Development (Report)
by webmaster, last updated: 2014-09-12 19:29
About 90 delegates from all six continents gathered at SOAS on 5 and 6 September 2014 to participate in the 8th GloPent conference, which was convened under the theme of “Pentecostalism and Development.
Spirit levels in the local church
by timwelch, last updated: 2014-08-05 10:50
How are we to assess and measure the activity of God the Holy Spirit in a local church? Tim Welch, a British Baptist Church pastor and GloPent member, wants to raise pneumatological awareness and expectation within his church, by developing a tool that will enable pastor and people to consider what the Spirit is doing and saying... not as a formula, but as the welcomed Guest in a collaborative process. Any recommendations and insights concerning pneumatological qualitative research in a church and practical theology context will be welcome!
New film documentary featuring Pentecostals in Africa
by jamesault, last updated: 2014-07-23 21:24
The documentary films "African Christianity Rising" have just been released. They contain new footage on Pentecostals in Africa, among other Christian communities.
No 2 (Autumn)
by webmaster, last updated: 2014-03-22 18:09
Book Announcement: Pandita Ramabai and the Mukti Revival
by ysuarsana, last updated: 2014-01-20 14:00
Yan Suarsana: Pandita Ramabai und die Erfindung der Pfingstbewegung. Postkoloniale Religionsgeschichtsschreibung am Beispiel des "Mukti Revival". Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2013. 412 pp., ISBN 978-3447100694; 88,00 EUR.
Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in Ethiopia
by jhaustein, last updated: 2013-12-13 23:41
Though the beginnings of Ethiopian Pentecostalism are fairly recent (e.g. in comparison to neighbouring Kenya), a considerable spectrum of Pentecostal and Charismatic churches has developed there, that presently includes all major Protestant denominations. These pages introduce a recent PhD project by Jörg Haustein studying the Ethiopian Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
No. 1 (Spring)
by webmaster, last updated: 2013-12-11 13:49
Bibliography on Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa
by webmaster, last updated: 2013-10-11 22:14
Edited by Marian Smit and Marlene van Doorn, African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Book Announcement: Experience and its Epistemology in Pentecostal Theologies
by GioMaltese, last updated: 2013-08-09 11:57
Maltese, Giovanni. Geisterfahrer zwischen Transzendenz und Immanenz: Die Erfahrungsbegriffe in den pfingstlich-charismatischen Theologien von Terry L. Cross und Amos Yong im Vergleich. Bd. 61. Kirche – Konfession – Religion. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress, 2013.
Book Announcement: Joseph Smale
by timwelch, last updated: 2013-06-21 21:25
A new book by Tim Welch on "God's Moses for Pentecostalism"
New Book on Chilean Pentecostalism
by martinlindhardt, last updated: 2013-02-04 13:31
Martin Lindhardt: Power in Powerlessness. A Study of Pentecostal Life Worlds in Urban Chile, Brill 2012.
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