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European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism
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Issues Published by Equinox (2010–)
2021 (Vol. 20)
Latest Issue: PentecoStudies 20.2 (Autumn 2021) – Special issue: Pentecostalism and Lived Religion
PentecoStudies 20.1 (Spring 2021)
2020 (Vol. 19)
PentecoStudies 19.2 (Autumn 2020) – Special issue: Global Catholicism and the Catholic Charismatic Movement
PentecoStudies 19.1 (Spring 2020)
2019 (Vol. 18)
PentecoStudies 18.2 (Autumn 2019)
PentecoStudies 18.1 (Spring 2019)
2018 (Vol. 17)
PentecoStudies 17.1 (Spring 2018)
2017 (Vol. 16)
PentecoStudies 16.1 (spring 2017)
PentecoStudies 16.2 (autumn 2017)
2016 (Vol. 15)
PentecoStudies 15.1 (spring 2016)
PentecoStudies 15.2 (autumn 2016)
2015 (Vol. 14)
PentecoStudies 14.1 (spring 2015)
PentecoStudies 14.2 (autumn 2015)
2014 (Vol. 13)
PentecoStudies 13.1 (spring 2014)
PentecoStudies 13.2 (autumn 2014)
2013 (Vol. 12)
No. 1 (Spring)
No 2 (Autumn)
2012 (Vol. 11)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
2011 (Vol. 10)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
2010 (Vol. 9)
No. 1 (Spring)
No. 2 (Autumn)
Online Back Issues (2002–2009)
2009 (Vol. 8)
No. 1 (Spring)
Miguel Ángel Mansilla, De la caja del diablo a la caja de Dios
Stephen Hunt, The Florida ‘Outpouring’ Revival
Book Reviews
2008 (Vol. 7)
No. 1 (Spring)
Stephen Hunt: Were the Jesus People Pentecostals?
Cornelis van der Kooi: The Wonders of God
Sebastian Schüler: Unmapped Territories
No. 2 (Autumn)
Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.: "On Becoming a Christian"
Richard Burgess: Nigerian Pentecostal Theology in Global Perspective
Gerald W. King: Streams of Convergence
Book Reviews
2007 (Vol. 6)
No. 2 (Autumn)
William W. Menzies – The Reformed Roots of Pentecostalism
W. van Vlastuin – Does Pentecostalism Have Reformed Roots? An analysis of the argument of W.W. Menzies
Robert P. Menzies – Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. A Pentecostal Perspective
Arie W. Zwiep – Luke’s Understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. An Evangelical Perspective
Frank La Barbe – Un ethnologue au cours Alpha
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti - The Church as the Fellowship of Persons: An Emerging Pentecostal Ecclesiology of Koinonia
Yong, Amos - Poured Out on All Flesh: The Spirit, World Pentecostalism, and the Renewal of Theology and Praxis in the 21st Century
Horton-Parker, Skip - Tracking the Theological “Turn”: The Pneumatological Imagination and the Renewal of Metaphysics and Theology in the 21st Century
2006 (Vol. 5)
Coleman, Simon - Studying 'Global' Pentecostalism: Tensions, Representations and Opportunites
David Martin - Undermining the Old Paradigms: Rescripting Pentecostal Accounts
2005 (Vol. 4)
Hunt, Stephen - The Alpha Course and its Critics: An Overview of the Debates
Miguez, Daniel - Opio Rebelde: Los Programas Pentecostales de Rehabilitación de Adictos en la Argentina
Gooren, Henri - Catholic and Protestant Culture Politics in Nicaragua: A Media-Based Inventory
Bibliography Walter J. Hollenweger
Book Review: Verna Linzey, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
2004 (Vol. 3)
Anderson, Allan - Pentecostal-Charismatic Spirituality and Theological Education in Europe from a Global Perspective
Cortèn, André - Le nouveau religion pentecôtiste: Eléments d'explication politico-theologique
2003 (Vol. 2)
Plüss, Jean-Daniel - Religious Experience in Worship: A Pentecostal Perspective
2002 (Vol. 1)
Hunt, Stephen - Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: The Case of 'Classical' Pentecostalism
Hunt, Stephen - Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: Neo-Pentecostalism
Global Pentecostalism
Latin America
North America
Oceania and Australia
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Doctoral Research Projects
Research Institutions & Groups
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Recent Changes
15th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism in Peace and Conflict (Call for Papers)
14th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism and Gender
GloPent Conference 2024, Book of Abstracts
Keynote Abstracts GloPent 2024
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Contact us
by webmaster, last updated: 2019-01-19 16:21
Contact information and website disclaimer
EPTA conference 2019
by wvondey, last updated: 2018-07-28 20:03
The 2019 EPTA conference will be held at the International Apostolic Bible College, Kolding, Denmark from 1-4 July 2019.
PentecoStudies 16.2 (autumn 2017)
by webmaster, last updated: 2018-05-18 17:35
10th GloPent Conference: The Future of Pentecostalism (Report)
by webmaster, last updated: 2018-03-30 00:20
On February 9 and 10, 2018 about 90 delegates from more than 15 countries gathered at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to participate in the 10th GloPent conference, which was convened under the theme of “The Future of Pentecostalism”.
PentecoStudies 15.1 (spring 2016)
by webmaster, last updated: 2018-02-01 11:33
Book Announcement: Pentecostal Theology: Living the Full Gospel by Wolfgang Vondey
by wvondey, last updated: 2018-02-01 09:50
Wolfgang Vondey's new book, Pentecostal Theology: Living the Full Gospel, has now been published by Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
Maltese 2017 Pentecostalism & Politics in the Philippines (preview)
by GioMaltese, last updated: 2017-12-14 00:57
Pentekostalismus, Politik und Gesellschaft in den Philippinen. Religion in der Gesellschaft 42. Würzburg: Ergon, 2017. (Leseprobe)
BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: Pentecostalism, Politics & Populism in the Philippines
by GioMaltese, last updated: 2017-12-14 00:53
(2017) Pentekostalismus, Politik und Gesellschaft in den Philippinen. Religion in der Gesellschaft 42. Würzburg: Ergon.
Book announcement: The Zionist Churches in Malawi
by ulfstrohbehn, last updated: 2016-09-05 10:03
Publications of Allan Heaton Anderson
by allandy, last updated: 2016-08-17 15:20
A list of all Allan's publications under the following categories: Books, Edited Books, Articles in Academic Journals, Papers in Edited Collections, Entries in Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias, Other Publications.
by webmaster, last updated: 2016-08-15 23:29
The “European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism” (GloPent) is committed to the study of global Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, using disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. A particular interest of GloPent is to stimulate the research of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Healing and Forgiveness. Women in Pentecostal Churches in Alajuela, Costa Rica
by nkurzewitz, last updated: 2016-07-28 00:18
Select Bibliography Pentecostalism Tanzania
by ASMcKinnon, last updated: 2016-07-28 00:18
A few items which relate to Tanzania specifically.
9th GloPent Conference: Pentecostalism and Its Encounters with Other Religions (Report)
by webmaster, last updated: 2016-07-27 23:00
About 60 delegates gathered at the University of Uppsala for the ninth GloPent conference, which was convened under the theme "Pentecostalism and Its Encounters with Other Religions"
Programme and Abstracts Booklet
by webmaster, last updated: 2016-06-08 22:08
Book Announcement: Mouvement Charismatique & Pentecotisme En Ethiopie: Identité & religion
by sergedewel, last updated: 2016-03-31 12:37
A book about Pentecostalism in Ethiopia
Book announcement: Catch the Fire
by mwilkinson, last updated: 2016-03-18 16:23
New book by Michael Wilkinson and Peter Althouse
A Culture of Faith: Evangelical Congregations in Canada
by mwilkinson, last updated: 2016-02-22 17:32
A comprehensive overview of evangelical Protestant congregations in Canada. Many religious scholars have noted a decline in institutional forms of religion in Canada. With fewer Canadians regularly attending church or following denominational proscriptions, is institutionalized religion becoming a thing of the past? In A Culture of Faith, Sam Reimer and Michael Wilkinson argue that evangelical Protestants continue to show strong allegiance to their congregations. Through a national study, including interviews with over five hundred pastors and an analysis of financial resources, the authors argue that evangelical Protestant congregations demonstrate greater resiliency within a broader context of declining religiosity. According to their findings, weekly church attendance among evangelicals is substantially higher than the national average, church attendees say they get significant enjoyment from their religious groups, youth participation is high, and evangelicals are more likely to volunteer. While there may be signs of decline on the horizon, Canadian evangelical congregations seem to remain vital at a time when most other Christian traditions are waning. A clearly presented study of evangelical beliefs, organizations, leaders, and finances, A Culture of Faith reveals the current strength of evangelical Protestantism and its implications for the future of religion in Canada.
Book announcement: Witchcraft, Demons and Deliverance. A Global Conversation on an Intercultural Challenge.
by cwo, last updated: 2016-02-05 11:35
Beliefs in witchcraft and demons still shape many societies and seem to be increasing rather than disappearing with modernization and urbanization. Witch hunts in Africa and Asia show the scope of the problem. The deliverance practices of Pentecostal and charismatic churches are widely controversial and their effects rather ambiguous. The contributions in this volume, written by experts and practitioners from four continents, analyze these phenomena from the perspectives of intercultural theology, anthropology and ethnology and describe the responses of Catholic and Protestant churches.
Conference: African Lived Christianity – Faith, Ritual and Power
by holsson, last updated: 2015-12-09 02:49
Information about an upcoming conference on African Christianity in Lund University in March 2016.
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